Get a luxury dog bed from DOGSTYLER® and signed cap from Oli.P Support the SOS Children-Village!

Your prize

Signed cap and dog bed by Oli.P!

As part of the TV show "The SOS-Children Village Christmas Singing - because everybody needs a family" stars will auction personal items in favour of the charity.
Join our auction and grab a cool cap personally signed by Oli.P and high quality a dog bed!

Product details:
- Model: DOGSTYLER® Dog Luxury Estate DIAMOND
- Size: XL
- Stable and long-lasting filling
- removable cover
-Water Resistant Inlets
- Dog Luxury blanket in size XXL
- Care set DOG HEALTHY Clean & Care
- Dog Playbag
- Signed Cap from Oli.P
- Total value of 2.000€

Your donation

SOS Children's Villages provides a home for children in need and helps to improve the social situation of disadvantaged young people and families. In SOS Children's Villages, children whose biological parents cannot look after them for various reasons grow up in a family environment. They receive protection and security and thus the tools for a successful life. The SOS Children's Village Association accompanies mothers, fathers or families and their children from the very beginning in mother and family centres. It offers early support in its children's and meeting facilities. In Germany, a total of over 4,200 employees help in 39 facilities. The association reaches and supports around 107,000 children, young people and families in difficult situations with its services. In addition, the German SOS Children's Village Association finances 117 SOS facilities in 36 countries worldwide.

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