Support Viva con Agua and Win a Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 race bike in hansgrohe Polished Gold Optic!
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  • Win a Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 in hansgrohe Polished Gold look.
  • Made for BORA – hansgrohe athlete Matthew Walls, Omnium Olympic Champion at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo
  • Aerodynamic, lightweight, fast and extremely agile - the perfect companion for your next ride
  • Frame size: 54

Donate and get entries

Donations benefit a great cause

Win a unique experience


This campaign has ended

Erik M. Erik M.


Win together with hansgrohe the Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 in the hansgrohe FinishPlus Polished Gold Optic.

Inspired by the success of BORA – hansgrohe athlete Matthew Walls at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, hansgrohe developed this special road bike with its cycling partners. An absolutely unique piece that could be yours very soon!

Every donation supports the aid organization Viva con Agua, which is committed to global access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene.

Please help us reach even more people and collect donations by sharing the raffle with your friends and family and increase your chances of winning at the same time.

Share the raffle with your friends and family as well to raise funds together for a good cause.


Viva con Agua activates and inspires - for a world without thirst!

Viva con Agua is an international network of people and organizations working for safe access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation.

In 2006, the non-profit association Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli was founded.

In the meantime, the vision "WATER FOR ALL - ALL FOR WATER" is supported by more than 15,000 volunteer supporters who collect donations for WASH projects worldwide with numerous actions and just as much fun - including many artists and musicians.

Together with its international and local partner organizations, the movement has thus already been able to reach over three million people in WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) projects.

Current Donors

  • NilsF2 € 10,-
  • MatthiasW24 € 20,-
  • JohannesC € 50,-
  • MaximilianH10 € 10,-
  • MauriceP3 € 150,-
  • FerdinandS2 € 10,-
  • JosJ € 25,-
  • MircoB € 10,-
  • CalebH € 25,-
  • KatarinaB € 10,-
  • JensL12 € 50,-
  • MelanieS10 € 50,-
  • PascalS6 € 10,-
  • SimoneL1 € 150,-
  • RussellO € 10,-
  • HenrikN € 10,-
  • Ollivier91 € 10,-
  • MichaelG29 € 50,-
  • JohannesK18 € 10,-
  • MateusE € 50,-
  • BarbaraB5 € 10,-
  • ConradL € 10,-
  • HolgerT € 50,-
  • TimW23 € 50,-
  • OliverH11 € 10,-
  • PatrickK10 € 50,-
  • SimonO1 € 10,-
  • KaiM1 € 10,-
  • DanielF20 € 10,-
  • SebastianK10 € 50,-
  • Tony708 € 10,-
  • JohannesH8 € 10,-
  • MiguelB € 10,-
  • JyJ € 10,-
  • MarvinS13 € 50,-
  • kosiam € 1000,-
  • BenjaminK10 € 10,-
  • SimonS25 € 25,-
  • AndrewJ2 € 10,-
  • AchimN € 50,-
  • LivioN € 50,-
  • GunnarR2 € 25,-
  • MaximilianW9 € 25,-
  • MartinB27 € 25,-
  • GertC € 10,-
  • Michael255 € 50,-
  • Daniel177 € 10,-
  • JulienM2 € 10,-
  • SteveD3 € 10,-
  • JosefF1 € 10,-
  • MikeS8 € 10,-
  • JohannesF3 € 50,-
  • HansB11 € 50,-
  • PhilipS4 € 50,-
  • JamesT € 10,-
  • Daniela743 € 50,-
  • StephaneH € 100,-
  • Dave994 € 10,-
  • AndrewM9 € 100,-
  • ChristophE2 € 50,-
  • JanP11 € 100,-
  • WolfgangT1 € 25,-
  • JanD14 € 10,-
  • StefanH43 € 200,-
  • HannahR1 € 10,-
  • AndreasT8 € 50,-
  • BrunoB3 € 25,-
  • UweB1 € 10,-
  • EugenS2 € 10,-
  • MartinH32 € 25,-
  • DanielaW3 € 50,-
  • PhilippeH € 10,-
  • FredE € 10,-
  • PatrickS31 € 50,-
  • Livio303 € 50,-
  • AstridB4 € 50,-
  • RichardB9 € 10,-
  • AlexanderK10 € 10,-
  • MarcoB15 € 50,-
  • LudwigZ € 50,-
  • JustinP1 € 100,-
  • JohnH4 € 25,-
  • AlexanderD8 € 50,-
  • DennisK15 € 25,-
  • OliverH11 € 10,-
  • SebastianE7 € 50,-
  • Stephen952 € 25,-
  • PhilippeP € 10,-
  • PhillipS1 € 10,-
  • ChristianG23 € 50,-
  • AlexandreG1 € 10,-
  • PaulB13 € 50,-
  • LukasS18 € 10,-
  • WolfgangH7 € 15,-
  • JuliusK3 € 50,-
  • RiaS € 10,-
  • AndreasJ12 € 10,-
  • StephanS14 € 10,-
  • LarsB11 € 25,-
  • PhilipM4 € 10,-

Choose your personal bundle

With every donation you will receive entries for the main prize! Depending on the amount of your donation, you will receive exclusive rewards guaranteed. In addition, depending on the amount of your donation, you will receive guaranteed exclusive additional prizes as a thank you. Choose your donation amount below!



3,000 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


100 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


250 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


1,000 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


1,000 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


1,500 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


5,000 Entries
Bundle not available anymore
HIGHLIGHT - Only 0 left!


10,000 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


0 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


0 Entries
Bundle not available anymore

Share this experience with your friends!

Tell your friends via Facebook, Twitter or email about this campaign and receive 50 entries for every friend who donates through your personal link. Each of these friends will also receive 10 entries for their registration.

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