Support Viva con Agua & everwave and Win the "7 vs. Wild" survival set from Otto with personal handover!


  • Meet & Greet with Otto
  • Receive the exclusive "7 vs. Wild" survival set from Otto
  • Personal handover of all original items
  • Travel and hotel for 2 persons included

Donate and get entries

Donations benefit a great cause

Win a unique experience


This campaign has ended

Philip I. Philip I.


Hello dear "7 vs. Wild" fans,

you now have the unique chance to win some of my items from the last "7 vs. Wild" season with personal handover!

Together with your companion you will meet me and I will hand over the items personally - the flights and the hotel are of course included!

Get your tickets now for this amazing grand prize!

Best of all, your donation supports the aid organizations Viva con Agua & everwave. We came across beaches full of trash during the show and want to make a statement now. So, let's go - donate and win!

I am looking forward to seeing you!

Your Otto


.. goes to Viva con Agua!
Viva con Agua is an international network of people and organizations working for safe access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation.

In the meantime, the vision "WATER FOR ALL - ALL FOR WATER" is supported by more than 15,000 volunteer supporters who collect donations for WASH projects worldwide with numerous actions and just as much fun - including many artists and musicians. Together with its international and local partner organizations, the movement has thus already been able to reach over three million people in WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) projects.

... and to everwave!
With the help of Plastic Credits, everwave's activities create direct added value: for 1 euro (netto), 1kg of trash is collected from waters worldwide. 1k less garbage that can thus no longer cause harm to the environment.

As a champion of nature, everwave always has one goal: to improve the natural ecosystem. everwave already has a strong community and every voice is crucial to take action on the trash problem and actively support everwave to collect trash from water bodies.

Current Donors

  • SabineD8 € 99,-
  • SvenB37 € 25,-
  • SeverinR2 € 10,-
  • MarioW17 € 10,-
  • LeonS22 € 10,-
  • BorisS1 € 10,-
  • AndreasH70 € 25,-
  • DajanaJ € 10,-
  • DanaK € 25,-
  • SarahM13 € 25,-
  • ChristophM32 € 25,-
  • TimK37 € 10,-
  • FabioD1 € 10,-
  • MichaelS228 € 10,-
  • SteffeS € 10,-
  • IvoS € 10,-
  • MichaelaM7 € 10,-
  • LukeG € 50,-
  • PatrickS94 € 50,-
  • KarstenD € 50,-
  • JohannesW19 € 10,-
  • JuliaB32 € 25,-
  • FabianG15 € 10,-
  • YannikO € 10,-
  • SörenK9 € 10,-
  • TobiasS102 € 10,-
  • ErikS18 € 25,-
  • IulianC € 50,-
  • MauriceD2 € 50,-
  • MagnusL € 10,-
  • JannesM € 50,-
  • FabianP14 € 50,-
  • JörgB23 € 10,-
  • JuliusN1 € 50,-
  • MartinK69 € 10,-
  • JohannesG6 € 25,-
  • DavidH39 € 10,-
  • JonasM20 € 10,-
  • SimonB33 € 100,-
  • ShereenI € 25,-
  • TobiasD16 € 10,-
  • RenéA1 € 10,-
  • LukasK49 € 10,-
  • ClaraP1 € 10,-
  • ViktorL1 € 25,-
  • CarmenD1 € 10,-
  • MaximilianB38 € 10,-
  • JudithS5 € 25,-
  • TeresaL € 25,-
  • LarsJ7 € 10,-
  • BjörnH14 € 25,-
  • JanikS2 € 10,-
  • ChristianF46 € 50,-
  • JanW46 € 10,-
  • AxelB8 € 50,-
  • SchäferB € 50,-
  • JulianB29 € 10,-
  • NatalieB4 € 100,-
  • ErikS20 € 10,-
  • SonjaR7 € 10,-
  • AnesM € 10,-
  • HelgeN1 € 50,-
  • JulianD11 € 10,-
  • EkaterinaL € 10,-
  • IgorB1 € 100,-
  • AliceG1 € 50,-
  • ChristopherB28 € 25,-
  • AnnikaH7 € 10,-
  • MarcelF11 € 10,-
  • MichelleB10 € 10,-
  • VerenaF3 € 50,-
  • MarvinD3 € 10,-
  • JulianA10 € 50,-
  • SabineK22 € 50,-
  • ChristopherP10 € 10,-
  • MarkusV11 € 25,-
  • SonjaK7 € 25,-
  • SandraS34 € 10,-
  • SteffiS5 € 10,-
  • RobertK30 € 10,-
  • PhilipI € 50,-
  • IsabelN € 10,-
  • PaulE7 € 25,-
  • StefanK75 € 20,-
  • PatrickK43 € 10,-
  • AlexanderD26 € 10,-
  • NickA1 € 10,-
  • BillB € 10,-
  • NinaS17 € 10,-
  • DenizB3 € 50,-
  • AnjaK15 € 10,-
  • AlexanderB64 € 50,-
  • LucaM14 € 50,-
  • MichaelS227 € 10,-
  • PascalM22 € 10,-
  • PauO € 10,-
  • BenjaminD9 € 10,-
  • FabianB37 € 50,-
  • FrankS65 € 10,-
  • Birand € 10,-

Choose your personal bundle

With every donation you will receive entries for the main prize! Depending on the amount of your donation, you will receive exclusive rewards guaranteed. In addition, depending on the amount of your donation, you will receive guaranteed exclusive additional prizes as a thank you. Choose your donation amount below!


100 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


250 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


1,000 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


2,000 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


0 Entries
Bundle not available anymore


0 Entries
Bundle not available anymore

Share this experience with your friends!

Tell your friends via Facebook, Twitter or email about this campaign and receive 50 entries for every friend who donates through your personal link. Each of these friends will also receive 10 entries for their registration.

Please sign up or login to receive your reward for sharing the campaign with your friends!

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