All children and young people have the right to education

  • The Education Foundation is committed to ensuring that all children and young people receive the best education.
  • Thanks to donations, the Education Foundation enables more equal opportunities, diversity and participation in daycare centers and schools - nationwide.
  • The independent and donor-funded Education Foundation critically and constructively influences education policy for a better education system and a strong commitment to education.

For children to develop, evolve and grow beyond themselves, they need a good basis. They have the right to education. The Stiftung Bildung advocates just learning opportunities for all children and young adults and encourages diversity in their education. It is the first foundation with this cause, that acts all throughout Germany.

The Stiftung Bildung promotes participation of children and young adults in all matters which concern them. It empowers the people, for example the parents, who volunteer in kindergartens, pre-schools and schools and the network of their organisations and associations.

Donations make sure that the Stiftung Bildung can stay independent from the government and are used for projects and ventures in kindergartens, pre-schools and schools.

The Stiftung Bildung is part of a thriving community of volunteers of all ages in the education sector, which is most important for a functioning democracy. For that reason, the Stiftung Bildung wants to empower children, youths and their supporters and to make sure that their voices and arguments are heard. Their concerns should be taken seriously and into account when decisions about them are being made.

Stiftung Bildung lobbies actively for this cause and supports projects and ventures in kindergartens, pre-schools and schools which improve the educational routine by championing diversity, sustainability, participation and just learning opportunities.